Olympic Kilns FL Series Commercial Grade, Front Loading Electric Kilns

Olympic Kilns FL Series kilns are the most economical way to own a commercial grade front loading kiln.
These kilns are popular for busy ceramic studios and production facilities.
Built to last and easy to own!
If you are interested in these kilns you may want to see our special SHEFFIELD POTTERY OLYMPIC FRONT LOADER KILN PACKAGES which are this same line of kilns packaged for a special low price with the most popular options including vent, furniture, door and floor element and more!
The frames of the Olympic top and
front-loading commercial electric kilns
are built of heavy angle iron and metal
tubing. Walls are 4 1/2" insulating
brick with 1" ceramic fiberboard
and 1" air space created by the
tube frame. The result is an energy
efficient electric commercial kiln
with a cooler skin and outside temperature.
These commercial grade kilns
are all built with double insulated
floors consisting of brick and ceramic
fiberboard. Thicker doors and lids
have been designed for the Olympic
commercial electric kilns. The front-loading
kiln doors are built with heavier steel
and the 4 1/2" brick insert in
the door for the elements is backed
by 1" x 1" steel tubing and
1" ceramic fiberboard. The ceramic
fiber in the door or lid is energy
efficient and forms a tight seal between
the opening and body of the kiln.

Olympic kilns FL series commercial kilns can be ordered as a car kiln (adds about 25%).
These kilns can be customized to fit through your smallest doorway.
Floor elements when selected as an
option are controlled by infinite switches
and can be adjusted by the kiln operator
as needed. All commercial electric
kilns are equipped with heavy gauge
elements for long life. Industrial
relays insure quiet operation and long-life
and the commercial electrical boxes
are hinged and simplify kiln maintenance.
If you are interested in this kiln you may want to see our special SHEFFIELD POTTERY OLYMPIC FRONT LOADER KILN PACKAGES which are this same line of kilns packaged for a special low price with these options :
- 6.5 inches total insulation: 4.5” Brick walls, 1” Air, 1” Insulating Board.
- Dual zone electronic controller
- Two thermocouples with protection tubes
- Orton Kiln mount ventilation system, installed on kiln.
- Stainless Steel exterior
- Door and Floor Elements
- Optional Furniture Kit includes shelves and posts for four layers
- Temperature Range: 0-2350˚F (cone 10)

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