Sherrill MUDCUTTER WIRE TOOL: with straight wire
In my studio, my Mudcutter (wire tool) is the tool that I pick up the most. I made one many years ago and used it on production pots cutting spouts and lugs, and also like a needle tool. The Mudcutter has been designed to go around a 4 inch pug, or an extrusion. The design lends itself to the slicing and cutting of hand building, or at the wheel it fits well in the hand. This is the best all around wire tool for six inch pugged clay, cutting spouts, and cutting off extusions. It also works great as a faceting tool. This is one tool that once you use it, you will ask yourself 'how did I work without it?'
Mudcutter is made of stainless steel with a surgical stainless steel wire under tension. It is easy to change the wires, if needed. The handle has an insert made from the same material as the ribs. The tool is made so you can lay it in a bucket of water and it won't rust or degrade. This is a lifetime tool.
The Mudcutter wire tool is essential to the potter.
Replacement wires are available in either straight or curly designs. The Mudcutter is slightly larger than the Carving Bow, thus the wires are specific for each tool.
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