SKUTT KM822-3 Kiln
Skutt now offers a line of kilns that provides the perfect mix of height and volume for those artists and teachers who have difficulty opening and loading a 27” deep kiln due to the height.This 22" studio kiln fits most small studios. Easy to load for those who are vertically challenged. Has all the bells and whistles of the larger kilns in a more compact size

- The compact and versatile Skutt KM822-3 pottery kiln is the perfect blend of a home studio and a production studio kiln.
- Cone 10 power makes it perfect for porcelain and stoneware.
- The one of a kind size of the KM822-3 makes this kiln an amazing asset for any ceramic artist.
- KilnMaster Controller
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Sectional Design
- Hand Selected/Precision Mill Brick
- Responsive Type K Thermocouple
- Balanced Elements

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