113000 Ben's Mix Stoneware Moist Clay c10 - 50Lb Box - Delivered Price
Sheffield Pottery's 113000 Ben’s Mix, is a smooth and plastic Porcelaneous stoneware making it a joy for the experienced thrower. This unique clay body was specifically formulated for atmospheric kiln firings. Bens Mix 11300 Stoneware is a real “Ash grabber” as its recipe produces dramatic firing effects.Shown Right : Tea Pot by Jon Townley: Ben's Mix Clay :
"That teapot's color came solely from the wood ash and reduction in Tony's Moore's kiln - ... nothing was applied to the exterior - no glaze, no flashing slip, no soda, no nothing. The inside was lined with Charlie White, so there wasn't even any bleed through of soda from a shino liner glaze. .... pretty amazing when it came out of the kiln - a gift from the fire gods!"
Lidded bowl above and below : Ben's Mix "with just a little bit liner glaze) Otherwise it was naked on the outside"
Fired in the kiln of Tony Moore.
Read about Tony and his Hybrid Anagama-Norborigama Wood-Fire Kiln here.
Photo by Joseph Giunta
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Add only $5 per 50 pound box for anywhere in the rest of the country including Alaska and Hawaii.
Please select "Zone B" if you are not in the Northeast
For less than 1000 pounds:we recommend that you use our highly discounted "Easy way to buy clay: Delivered prices/shipping included pricing"
The delivered pricing at that link is going to be the most simple and economical way for most all clay orders up to 1000 pounds!
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