Low lignite Tennessee Ball Clay
Oxide Analysis
CaO 0.30% 0.017
MgO 0.30% 0.024
K2O 0.70% 0.024
Na2O 0.10% 0.005
TiO2 1.40% 0.056
Al2O3 32.00% 1.000
SiO2 53.60% 2.843
Fe2O3 1.10% 0.022
LOI 10.50
Oxide Weight 285.28 Formula Weight 318.75 If this formula is not unified correctly please contact us. This Gleason, Tennessee material has been used in the electrical porcelain and tile industries for many years. It has a finer particle size than many other K&T Ball clays and is thus more plastic and prone to drying cracks. However, its added whiteness and low coal and other particulates make it an attractive material.
Water of Plasticity*: 37.0%
% Dry Shrinkage*: 6.5
Dry M.O.R., psi:* 825
pH: 4.4
C.E.C., meq/100g: 11.0
Specific Surface Area, sq metre/g: 24.4
Soluble sulfur+: Low
P.C.E.: 32
Particle Size, Microns: 20 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.2
(% finer than) 99% 97% 93% 81% 72% 56% 35%
Fired Properties
Cone 5 10
Total Shrinkage: 13.0% 14.5%
Absorption: 10.0% 1.0%
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