Natural clay for sale mixed and processed in the central part of Georgia. Lizella Clay provides a awesome red clay. This red clay for sale is used by potters worldwide.
Properties are:
- High iron content
- One of the best throwing and hand building clays you will find.
- Excellent sculpture -terra cotta clay.
- Perfect for raku without additions.
- Ideal red earthenware clay. 30% talc will, in most cases, eliminate crazing of well formulated glazes.
- Less explosions during firing as clay is open.
- Fires chocolate brown with mild reduction firing or brick red in oxidation atmosphere.
- Maximum temperature is cone 9 (and go easy on the reduction).
- Excellent for adding color, lowering maturing points and increasing throw ability to a clay body.
- Shrinkage on drying and firing would be considered moderate.
- Dry screened clay powder is 16 mesh and finer, which gives smooth plastic results.
- Conforms to Federal Regulation D-4236-non-toxic-MSDS sheet furnished upon request.