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Green Building Clay for creating light clay for sustainable architecture straw bale buildings and other natural building styles

Find Green Building Clay from Sheffield Pottery for creating light clay for sustainable architecture straw bale buildings and other natural building styles. Learn more

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Green Building Clay for creating light clay for sustainable architecture straw bale buildings and other natural building styles

Find Green Building Clay from Sheffield Pottery for creating light clay for sustainable architecture straw bale buildings and other natural building styles.

Our clay has been used to create straw bale homes. A blend of our clay rich soil, straw and sand creates "light clay" for coating the straw bales. We supply several construction grade clay bodies which can be customized to suit your needs.

The Sheffield Clay deposit is located in Sheffield, Massachusetts, on U.S. Route 7 in the Southwest corner of Berkshire County. It is situated in the Housatonic River Valley, 60 miles southeast of Albany, New York and 60 miles northwest of Hartford, Connecticut. The deposit is approximately 300 feet deep and is located on a 16 acre site. Our warehouse and production facility includes a 3000 square foot bulk handling area for use in processing our Sheffield Clay. Special properties of this clay are its plasticity, fired color and unique particle size. The raw clay is a pure clay, with no stones, sticks or other contaminants. Our tested formulas blend Sheffield Clay with other more common clays, resulting in a distinct, high quality range of clay bodies unequaled in the Northeast.

Please call to arrange pickup or delivery.

Please call before coming to pick up raw clay in your trucks.

Delivery to most of the CT, MA, NY tristate region is available.

Please call us to discuss your specific needs.: M -F : 8:30-5:00 EST toll-free 1.888.774.2929 (888.spi.clay)

We supply many industrial grade clay bodies.

We supply dry or moist-pugged clay bodies.

We offer a variety of stock clay formulas to fullfill common ceramic needs.

We create custom clay bodies; created to your specifications in strict confidentiality. (Custom Clay Sample

We can satisfy very large orders. Pricing discounts increase up to 44,000 lbs.

We can also assist you in formulating the correct blend to achive your required specifications.

Regional delivery may be available.

Please call us 8:30-5:00 EST toll-free 1.888.spi.clay to order or discuss your specific needs.

Please see our raw material list for other industrial and constuction materials.
Small Quantities
Large Quantities Salem Village Chinked Log House


Natural Sheffield Clay is mined on our property from as seen at one of the open clay pits. The Sheffield Clay deposit is located in Sheffield, Massachusetts, on U.S. Route 7 in the Southwest corner of Berkshire County.