Commercial Electric Furnaces / Ovens / Kilns For Industrial Applications
We offer commercial grade kilns and ovens by Paragon, Fredrickson and Olympic Kilns.
Check out the Bull Elk: a commercial grade kiln : 16+ cubic feet, available exclusively from Sheffield Pottery!
A Fredrickson front loading kiln is highly recommended for a wide variety of industries and applications including Sintering, Calcining, Sterilization and as Burn Out Furnaces.
We offer their complete line and custom versions of these industrial ceramic kilns.
Ask about our new automated active damper system for crash cooling for faster turnover in production environments.
Please call Tim to discuss your specific needs at 888.774-2529 x 20. FREDRICKSON FRONT LOADING COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC KILNS are built to your specifications; for your process, temperature, load, physical size, and specific studio needs. Fredrickson craftsmen are versatile, building kilns for industry as well as artists.

This is the place to find heavy duty Fredrickson kilns. These commercial furnaces are for large scale ceramics and glass production.
Natural Sheffield Clay is mined on our property from as seen at one of the open clay pits. The Sheffield Clay deposit is located in Sheffield, Massachusetts, on U.S. Route 7 in the Southwest corner of Berkshire County.